

"Id always fall for guys I wanted to save. For the first time; I fell in love with someone who saved me" - Jessica Simpson.

So I know a lot of people dont really like her, due to the way she was on Newlyweds. But I just love her because she is real , and she doesnt hold anything back. She does not feel the need to act fake , or scared to look dumb. I love her though a lot more for the article I read about her in my Cosmo. The saying above her picture makes a lot of sense, and its something im going to be keeping in mind when I meet someone. I have always been with people that I felt I had to save, or make a better person. Ive always had to be the one that would listen to the long conversations of things they were dealing with, and how I was going to help them. I never had someone who made ME a better person, who was there to listen to all my issues, and help me work through them. Sure its great to want to help people out & save guys ...but that's why they got mothers right? LOL. Finally I want someone to save me, my wonderwall ♥


9 showing love:

Rai said...

That quote is what a lot of people do. No one can save anyone who doesn't want to save themselves.

I don't really know how I feel about her these days, she's not as relevant as she was before. =/

You'll meet Mr. Right! =D

M. Uson said...

I totally agree with you hun!!! Awesome reflection..=] and thank you for caring enough about my self-esteem issues lol. Don't give up hope, that special guy is out there soon to be blessed by such a beautiful woman (you)...

gor(jess). said...

Rai -- thats so truee. just like you cant change a man that does not want to change. ughh mr right better come soon :X loll.

Maggie -- aww thankyouuu your so sweet ; i appreciate that so much ! <3 I wont lose hope .

Belle Du Jour said...

I just found your blog and I love it!
Come stop by mine and say hello and take a look around! Hope to see you around soon.

xx Belle

Karen said...

this quote is so true; it has so much meaning to it.

im loving your post mama =]
I'm assuming you love in queens because i saw your post of the new MET stadium, isn't it amazing?!

Hyaku Juuhachi said...

dont like jessica simpson but i like your blog tho!


Kelly Nina Kiyyah said...

Totally agree! Im a Jess Simpson fan...simply because she is her. Don't find too many "pop stars" like that!

Not sure how I stummbled across your blog...but I'll def be back to read more!



Stephyy said...

tagged ya on my blog girly!! :)

Yanibell_ x3 said...

Hi, i know am new in following your blog but just wanted to say that i also love Jessica Simpson <3 I think she really is an amazing person and i love that quote <3