
for Him !

Guy after guy & day after day they got worse
Praying to God everyday he would bring me someone to break this love curse
I saw myself falling for guys I didn't even believe
Disrespect and false hope was all I received
I kept on settling for less, when I knew I deserved so much more
Holding on to the memories of my past, when I knew I had to close that door
Months turned in Years, and my pain was still there, but not the same
Instead of tears and heartache I turned cold, and realized Love was more than just fun & games.
I thought just maybe ill always be the girl who wanted what she couldn't get
The girl whose standards where to high, and never met.
The one who partied all the time, cus she thought that was as good as happiness could get.
Wasting her lonely nights on worthless guys with no respect
Thinking she was not fit to be loved, and that was what she had to accept
But then right out of the dark ; he came to brighten my days
Caught my attention unlike any other in many different ways
He re arranged my life to how it should be, and made me see with him there is peace
Just when I thought it would take a century to find someone like you
God sent me you.
All the praying, all the tears, the struggle was worth it ♥

3 showing love:

xxxx said...

awwww as long as you are happy that is all that matters.

Anonymous said...

beautifully put.

gor(jess). said...

thanks girls :)