
The Month of PEACE.

As I have said in one of my other blogs ; I work for an AMAZING organization ; that does just about EVERRYTHING for the community. I am a kindergarten teacher there and I swear those kids keep me alive. As tiring as it is; they make my days and keep me looking forward to days ahead. SO - with that being said. This month is based on PEACE and RESPECT. It all goes into the fact that its Martin Luther King JR day on Monday. Soo I decided to make a peace tree for the kids where they promise to use there hands for PEACE. I spoke to them how we should not use our hands for violence; and what not. It came out so cute. They have the smallest little hands & some tried there very best to trace there hands out; haha.

Then this is our peace wall. I brung a bunch of tshirts for them to make peace signs on and write out the word peace; they used glitter and all that cool stuff to decorate them. They had a blasttt ! Im happy they enjoyed it & our walls are slowly but surely being covered with new 2010 art work of theirs. There so proud bringing there parents in to show them what they did.

1 showing love:

-Mydarling Cyn said...

Jessica I am so happy that you are being blessed by this job and working with the children. It can be a challenge and a struggle but at the end of the day its all worth it. And you are making such an impact in those childrens lives. You are doing such a wonderful job!!! You go girl!