
Happy Valentines Day Everyone :)

I am super excited for today. I will be spending the morning with my family at iHop for some pancakes & then my boyfriend will be coming over ; since his surprize he says is too big to carry around ; hmm. & then we will be heading out to the city for a dinner reservation I made for us. Im super excited just to be with him :) :). This is honestly my first REAL valentines day. All my others weren't much of a valentines day - or they were spent with friends & family. Now that I have a boyfriend im in a even more mushy lovey dovey mood this day. Lol. I will be making a whole entry on my day/night.

Have a great one guys ! & Remember if you do not have a valentine - appreciate your friends & family that have always loved you.

2 showing love:

devin leiva said...

this would be my first real valentines day too
have fun

devin leiva said...

this would be my first real valentines day too
have fun