
Whats the Thought of the day ??

Chris "Kazi" Rolle, a promising young rapper, raised in the Bahamas and living in New York, got involved in a community outreach organization called Art-Start. In 1999 he started an auxiliary program called The Hip Hop Project, which enlisted a group of high school would-be rappers to write and release an album. The Hip Hop Project documentary recounts the last few months before the album's release, and the continuing efforts of the program.

The kids Kazi worked with say that the program gave them hope and a sense of belonging that they wouldn't have felt otherwise. The impact on them was likely augmented, however, by the fact that the promised album took years longer than expected to produce. When Kazi heard the kids' original "gangsta" lyrics and off-tempo rap, he realized that a lot of research and growth was needed to turn them into authentic artists.

He encouraged the kids to mine their own lives and feelings for material, creating art that expressed and represented them as individuals. The emotional work was tough, and by the time Hip Hop Project Vol. I: Are You Feelin' Me was released in 2003, Kazi and the kids had become a kind of family. The glimpses we get of their creative process, though limited, provide the film's most electric moments.

GO WATCH IT IF YOU HAVE NOT ; i loved loved loved it . I was able to really relate to some of the things that were said. It also just reminds you how music can fix anything ; how music can just set you free from anything and everything that will be put in your path. I was very iffy on watching this because I felt they would not show everything ; and just the good in it all ...but it shows the struggle ; the pain ; the downsides ; and the trials and tribulations of life - and how as an artist / writer you can change that - you manifest your own destiny. It helps me heal with struggles I am going through right now ; because it sets you on a positive track. It reminds you that theres so much more to you; and that what you leave on this earth is what matters. To go for what your striving for in full force; with no breaking on the petal. It was exactly what I needed at the right time to just lift me up & shake me out of my negative mind state. So anyone in need of incouragement && positivity should go see it.

1 showing love:

OB said...

hope all is going well <3