To my Best Friend : Brittany.
Im so proud of the person you are ; and the person you keep maturing into. Sometimes I feel you are way too hard on yourself. But all I know is no matter what you do or say ; I will always stick by your side just like you have been doing for the past 18 years. I remember when we first met at the bus stop going to our first day of kindergarten ; the same day we found out that my mother would become your baby sitter. Its been a long time since then. From many fights & arguments about barbies; and who did better in school. Lol. But it was never a doubt in my mind that you were my friend. I remember doing our homework in my dining room ; and my mother always having to seperate us because we would be talking and giggling. All of our fun summer days ; going camping & playing "school" with my brother. Going over to your house every nigh to play donkey kong & cabbage patch babies. You have taught me so much ; and I dont think you realize it. You taught me how to stand my ground ; but when to be nice --- cus you out of all people know I have a real mean side to me. Lol. Without Scary Spice our Spice Girls team would have not felt complete. I love how you dont sugar coat ANYTHING. When you think I am doing wrong or about to make a bad choice - you point it out asap ; and scold me for my bad behavior. Lol. But at the same time you are the most un-judgmental ( so not a word ) person I have ever ever known. You always see the better in things ; your the Charlotte to my Carrie; my optimist. Thank you for always being you ; and never putting up an act.
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5 years ago
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