I have been blessed with the amazing opportunity to be working on a new project called Divas in Charge with my lovely co worker and friend Cynthia. If you didnt see my post on it before it is basically a all girls club for young girls going through the regular " pre teen/ teen " situations such as friend/ dating issues etc. Its a kind of guidance for them to build up their confidence and think positive to do positive things.
I am very excited to start it all up. Next week will most likely be our " Release Party " with the young girls. I am excited to be part of something that can touch and change the lives of many young girls in NYC. Make them feel like they do not need to look like the females on TV or magazines ; that they are beautiful inside and outside - just as long as they are being themselves and true to themselves.
This will be most DEFINATELY one of my biggest accomplishments.
Check out the sites for DIVAS IN CHARGE here --- >
DHC Astaxanthin - All-In-One Collagen Gel
5 years ago
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so excited for us to start working on this. we must meet up this week and start brainstorming!
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