
Updates on Little J !

I am at about 31 weeks already. Sheesh it feels like I been prego FOREVER. I get tired a lot easier now, and hungry...always hungry. The back/leg/feet pains just keep getting worse "/ ! I just keep reminding myself it is all worth the pain and he will be here very soon. He is a big baby , I feel him moving all the time. Its such an unexplainable feeling ! All I can say is it makes me smile everytime I feel and see his little hand or foot pushing up on my belly. We did the 3D 4D sonograms not long ago, and I cant stop staring at his pictures, he is the cutest little thing in the world.

Heres some things his God father got for him, Lol.

Of course you know hes my child when he owns a WUTANG Bib. haha. If you didnt know ....which you should if your a loyal follower, I am a big WUTANG fan.

The baby shower is a couple of days away , I cannot wait !!! <3 Food music family & friends <3 It will be great.

Daddy loves you so much. I dont think their is a day that passes that my boyfriend does not speak to him, kiss him, and asks me how the little man is doing in there. I have been blessed, and so has Jace - with a great daddy <3

2 showing love:

Miss Tapia said...

Awww. You're going to miss the kicking once he's here. Motherhood is the most AMAZING thing ever!!

Anonymous said...

Your hubby is so sweet! everything he got Jace is adorable! i cannot wait to see the wutang bib on Jace :)