
Mommy ♥

On Tuesday; like every Tuesday was Revolution Ladies Night meeting. We started off the month of March ; with speaking on woman who inspire us - considering it is Womans History Month ! I choose my mother. She is a woman I learned a lot from ...through the battles she has won ; to even learning from her mistakes just so I wont run in the same path and obstacles. She was a woman who had to pick herself up after a hard divorce and keep her life moving; not just for her ..but for her two children. I dont know how she does it without giving up. She works full time & still manages to be a quite amazing mother. She is the kind of mother I can run home to after a hard day & tell her why im so stressed out ...then she will surprise me with something as little as my favorite candy to make my day a lot brighter. She is a woman that likes to nurture and spoil ; even if I am not 12 years old anymore. She has been hurt ; neglected ; taken for granted; cheated on ...but still she finds a way in her heart to let that all go & love the people around her unconditionally. Which is something I whole heartedly look up to her for & have realized I get from her ; aside from many other character traits.

I dont think people realize how lovely it is to show someone there importance in your life ; without it being a hallmark holiday. Which is why I try my best to do so with my mother and my grandmother. I dont wait till mothers day or a birthday to come around once a year. I'll be walking home from work - & I think of how happy my mother will feel if I brung her home some roses ; or maybe did the grocery shopping for her. I let her sleep; and I will wash all the dishes. Take a minute out of my busy schedule to text her " Have a good day at work ; I love you ". Because we must cherish the NOW moments ; because everyone loves to be reminded that they are truly and unconditonally loved.

1 showing love:

Anonymous said...

nice blog nice girl ;)