
Morning Thoughts & March Goals.

8AM & Im up with the worst headache & stuffy nose - scratchy throat. Messy morning bed head ; Leopard print PJ pants ; I ♥ NY big tee
- I had no strength to get up and troop it to the L.E.S to go to work ; So I called out as much as I miss my kiddies right now.

- I need to finish my collage art ; its been taking way too long =/

- I must get a new IPOD soon ; train rides are not as much anticipated without music

- I guess I know have time to blog about all these things Ive been wanting to post about and have not had the chance to do.

- I want to bake more ; Its been like two weeks without baking - I need some sweetness in my life.

&& that reminds me : I got March Goals to achieve & conquer in about 15 days !

* Work out - I KNOW im not fat ; so before people start - I am working out for my health :) So gym time it is.

* Eat healthier - I have not had fast food all month - Without even trying to cut it out of my day too ! So thats great progress. Now I must work on eating junkfood during the wee hours of the night.

* Learn Latin - Its one of the most romantic & beautiful languages. I love the phrases & its caught my attention - So I will be learning a little something all month. Downloaded an APP on my phone for it - of course; there is an APP for everything ! LOL.

* More baking & cooking - It really eases & soothes me. Plus I love getting my hands dirty ;) So more cupcakes ; cakes ; & cool snacks / desert pictures will be up on here :)

* Post about my collaging / get it done ! - I have so much I been working on - and I am basically already done with ; now I must stop being lazy and finish up the last final touches so I can post some blogs on my work.

* Finish my book - * Currently reading " Rooftops of Tehran " and then I will be going on to " Eat, Pray, Love " by April * Fingers Crossed.

* Finish All about US book - Me & the boyfriend started a book that basically has questions on us , our relationhship, before us, futures - etc & its been pretty fun. We are very open with eachother already ; but this is an extra step - plus something fun to do. Maybe Ill post about it after we are done.

* WRITE more - Not only poetry ; but I have a journal I have had for two years - & I write in it like once every 3months. Lol. Has a lot of interesting things I can look back on now that I went through so I wanna keep it going ..I have like 5 more pages in it - Plan to finish it before April comes so I can get a new one <3

0 showing love: