
Hello Baby :)

So me and the boo decided to give the baby a christmas stocking of its own , even though our little blessing has yet to come & we have no idea what gender the baby will be. Lol. I guess you can say were getting ahead of ourselves. We got the baby a couple of things already for its stocking , Wont show you just about everything (Christmas Post will be up about a week after Christmas)But here is something we got ....& I just love it. So I have decided to keep building on the baby book collection so the baby can have its own little library before it can even start reading ! ♥

3 showing love:

Neeyuh said...

I've been away from blogger for awhile and just seen you're pregnant, Congratulations!!! :)

That's a really cute idea, my bestie is pregnant right now too so she would love this!

Anonymous said...

awe. your going to be a great mommy!

gor(jess). said...

thanks girls :)